Looking for unique, permanent jewelry that aligns with your style?

We deliver exquisite, lasting jewelry designed to capture your individuality.

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Choosing your permanent jewelry should be exhilarating.

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Luxurious Quality

Every customer deserves the pleasure of wearing high-end jewelry, meticulously crafted to last a lifetime.

Confident Selection

Selecting your permanent piece should be a joyful journey, instilling confidence in your investment.

Enduring Elegance

Permanent jewelry offers enduring elegance—a delight all jewelry lovers should enjoy.

We immortalize memories through elegant artistry.

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Woman wearing permanent jewelry.

The process for permanently manifesting your style.


Schedule a Consultation

Begin your journey to owning a piece of permanent jewelry by scheduling a consultation. We'll discuss your personal style, comfort, and design preferences to find the perfect piece that resonates with you.


Purchase Your Unique Piece

Take the next step and purchase your unique piece of jewelry. Our extensive collection and personalized service ensure that you find a design that perfectly aligns with your aesthetic and personal values.


Have It Permanently Affixed

Engage our expert jewelers to have your chosen piece permanently affixed. Experience a professional and comfortable process that honors the significance of your commitment to the piece.


Embrace Your Enduring Style

Experience the joy of an enduring style statement. Your chosen piece, now a permanent part of you, enhances your individuality and enables you to carry your style, your story, your memories with you, always.

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"Specializing in high-end, permanently affixed jewelry, we promise to transform your aesthetic with a timeless elegance. Commitment to quality and distinction is our hallmark." ~ Aric Gillson
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Welded permanent jewelry refers to pieces of jewelry, such as bracelets, anklets, rings, or necklaces, that are affixed to the body using a jeweler's Pulse Micro arc welder. This process involves welding the ends of a jewelry piece together to create a continuous band, forming an ornament that can't be removed without being cut off. This kind of jewelry, also known as 'forever jewelry', has been growing in popularity due to its symbolism of permanence and commitment, and the unique and intimate experience it offers.

Yes, the procedure for affixing permanent jewelry is generally safe when performed by a trained and experienced professional. The Pulse Micro arc welder used in the process is designed to generate a small, localized spark that heats the metal to its melting point, enabling it to be fused without causing harm to the surrounding skin. A proficient jeweler takes the utmost care to ensure that the heat does not come into contact with the skin, therefore minimizing the risk of burns or other injuries.

The process of having permanent jewelry welded onto your body is typically not painful, as the heat from the Pulse Micro arc welder stylus is focused solely on the jewelry piece and does not come into contact with your skin. A trained professional takes the necessary precautions in order to provide a safe and pain-free experience.

The duration of the welding process for permanent jewelry can vary depending on the complexity of the piece and the expertise of the jeweler, but on average, it typically takes between 10 to 15 minutes. This includes time for preparation, the actual welding, and a brief period afterwards for the jeweler to inspect the jewelry and ensure that it has been securely and correctly affixed.

While permanent jewelry is designed to be a lasting adornment, it is possible to have it removed if you change your mind or if it becomes necessary for medical or other reasons. The removal process involves having the jewelry cut off by a professional, usually using a tool designed to safely sever the metal without harming your skin. It is highly recommended that you seek a professional's help for this process rather than attempting to do it yourself if you plan on keeping the jewelry piece. Also, nail clippers can be used to remove the jewelry quickly if needed.

The care and maintenance of permanent jewelry are much like that of regular jewelry. It's important to keep the jewelry clean by washing it with mild soap and water and drying it thoroughly afterward. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the jewelry. Since you can't remove the jewelry, it's always with you during activities such as swimming or showering, making it less likely to get lost or misplaced.

When considering getting permanent jewelry, it's essential to weigh the commitment involved. The jewelry will be a permanent part of your body until you decide to have it removed. It may interfere with certain medical procedures like MRI scans, and there may also be considerations for those who regularly participate in physical activities. Some people may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions to the metal used in the jewelry.

Resizing permanent jewelry can be challenging, given the nature of its attachment to the body. If the jewelry becomes too tight or too loose over time, a jeweler may be able to cut the piece off and weld it back at a more comfortable size. This would essentially be repeating the initial process.

Gold, particularly 14k and 18k, is commonly used for permanent jewelry because of its durability and lower risk of causing allergic reactions. Some jewelers also offer permanent jewelry in other materials, such as sterling silver or stainless steel, but these are less common and may not be suitable for all individuals.

Yes, you can carry out most everyday activities, including swimming, showering, and exercising, with your permanent jewelry. The materials used in permanent jewelry, particularly gold, are highly resistant to water and sweat. However, it's recommended to clean and dry your jewelry properly afterward to maintain its shine and prevent potential skin irritation.

While rare, allergic reactions can occur with any type of jewelry, including permanent pieces. The severity of reactions can vary from minor irritations to more serious responses, depending on the individual's sensitivity. However, permanent jewelry is typically made of high-quality metals like gold that are less likely to cause allergic reactions. If you're aware of any metal allergies, it's crucial to discuss this with your jeweler before proceeding.

Absolutely. You should be able to travel as usual with your permanent jewelry. However, be aware that in certain situations, like at airport security checkpoints, the presence of metal on your body may trigger metal detectors. It's a good idea to have documentation from your jeweler that explains your permanent jewelry if you travel frequently.

Permanent jewelry can potentially interfere with certain medical procedures such as MRIs or surgeries. In such situations, your healthcare provider might need to cut off the jewelry, which could be re-welded later. It's important to discuss the presence of permanent jewelry with any healthcare provider prior to undergoing procedures.

This will largely depend on the size and type of your jewelry. In some cases, it may be possible to engrave permanent jewelry, particularly if the piece is larger or has a flat surface area. It's best to discuss this with your jeweler, as they can provide guidance based on the specific piece and the complexity of the desired engraving.

The cost of permanent jewelry varies significantly based on several factors, including the type and size of the jewelry piece, the material it's made of, and the jeweler's charges for the welding process. Some permanent jewelry pieces could be relatively affordable, while others, especially those made from high-quality materials like gold or adorned with gems, can be more expensive.

Yes, even if you have sensitive skin, you can opt for permanent jewelry. Most permanent jewelry is made from metals like gold that are hypoallergenic and less likely to cause skin irritation. However, it's always a good idea to discuss any skin sensitivities with your jeweler to ensure they take any necessary precautions during the welding process.

There's a wide variety of designs available for permanent jewelry, including rings, bracelets, and necklaces. The specific designs available will depend on the jeweler, but many can also custom-make pieces to fit your desired look. Remember, however, that the design needs to be functional and comfortable for long-term wear.

Permanent jewelry made from high-quality materials like gold should not tarnish or change color under normal conditions. However, exposure to certain chemicals or abrasive materials could potentially affect the appearance of your jewelry. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water can help maintain its luster and appearance.

If your permanent jewelry breaks or gets damaged, it's important to contact your jeweler as soon as possible. Depending on the nature of the damage, they may be able to repair it by re-welding or replacing the broken part. However, in some cases, it might be necessary to cut off the jewelry and replace it with a new piece.

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